News for 2024 year

On June 25-27, 2024 at the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" the 31st All-Russian science and technical conference with international attendance “Vacuum equipment and technologies 2024” will take place.
ROSAVTODOR: The key outcomes of import replacement initiatives in road building industry.
Dear colleagues and friends, pencil in your calendar dates from April 9 to April 11, 2024 to attend our company’s stand on the VacuumTechExpo.
Last week St. Petersburg held a two-day conference “Asphalt and Bitumen 2024” to welcome more than 400 representatives of the largest road construction organizations; in course of the most constructive dialogue the experts shared their knowledge, best practices and the most advanced development trends of asphalt and bitumen in Russia.
We invite you to visit our stand No. A145 from 10 to 18 at the exposition center “ExpogradYug” in Krasnodar, 1 Kongressnaya street, pavilion No.1.
Do not miss the opportunity to attendthe stand of the Trade house “Desna” LLC at the conference “The Urals path 2024”!

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