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The panel discussion “ITER project: on the way to energy of future” took place on the very first day of The Young Scientists Congress in Sirius 1 on the 1st of December. Speakers of the ITER project center shared with young scientists, post graduates and students from all over the country their current achievements in project implementation, as well as evolution perspectives of the national thermonuclear program.
A solemn launch ceremony of the flotation device with a poloidal field coil PF1A held at the Srednenevsky Shipbuilding in Saint-Petersburg. Once the coil is loaded on the transportation vessel in the “Bronca” port, it shall be shipped to the construction site of the international thermonuclear experimental reactor in the South of France.
The Media agency TASS held a press-conference dedicated to Russia’s participation in the international thermonuclear project ITER (ITER, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) in 2022.
The “NPO “GKMP” jointly with the portal dedicated to the special-purpose machines “EXCAVATOR.RU” launched an article: “New arrivals in construction and road maintenance”.
On January 26, 2023 the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University” (MADI) headed by associate professor of the chair “Road construction and exploitation” Sergey Dmitriev hosted a panel discussion named “Workforce in road building industry. Improving training efficiency in field-specific educational institutions. Opinions and solutions proposed by employers”.
The event took place at the “President-hotel” with support provided by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Highway agency, the Ministry for Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Housing, the State Duma, as well as other profile agencies and institutes. The event is hosted by the Association “R.O.S. Asphalt”.

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