Conference “Vacuum equipment and technologies 2023”

All-Russian Scientific and Research institute for metrology name after D. Mendeleev and the “NPO “GKMP” LLC invite you to join the 30th anniversary All-Russian science and research conference with international admittance of “Vacuum equipment and technologies 2023”.

The modern world dictates conditions that make us take decisive steps to reunite capacities of the country’s factories. Looking into the future it is crucial to have an idea of your assets. This is why the conference will enable to assess the scientific and production potential, properly follow-up the progress and have a look at new challenges.

To take part in the conference please fill in the application form on our website, or sign in on the website, or send an e-mail to in order to get special attendance conditions.
The contact person for organizational issues is available via: +7 495 150-14-50 (722 доб.)

The conference is meant for highly qualified specialists and top managers. The main focus will be made on development of the current production basis, experienced shipment restrictions, up-to-date alternatives of imported hardware and state-of-the-art solutions of Russian manufacturers. The companies engaged in nuclear, aerospace, electronics, military and metallurgy industries will be especially interested in this conference.

Face-to-face contacts with experts from various areas will encourage you to better understand opportunities that might be of use in today’s world. This year the attendees will enjoy panel discussions with heads of production companies that will directly let them discuss the needs in equipment, agree on upgrade and improvements of the backlog. In particular, apart from scientific theses one will present up-to-date achievements in following areas:

- Basic pumping vacuum devices and vacuum chambers;

- Hardware to generate deep and super deep vacuum;

- Crystal growing hardware;

- Thermal vacuum facilities;

The conference “Vacuum equipment and technologies 2023” will take place on 20-22 June in Saint-Petersburg in the conference hall of the hotel “VVEDENSKY”, Saint-Petersburg 37 Bolshoy Prospect Petrogradskoy Storony.