30th All-Russian scientific and technical conference with international attendance “Vacuum facilities and technologies 2023” held in Saint-Petersburg
On June 20-22 the 30th All-Russian scientific and technical conference with international attendance “Vacuum facilities and technologies 2023” was held in Saint-Petersburg as the key event for manufacturers of vacuum and cryogenic equipment; the attendees presented their latest developments and high-tech equipment for industrial and science-intensive purposes.
The conference is held on yearly basis and focused on latest discoveries in vacuum physics, vacuum techniques, pressure measurement and leakage control, as well as on surface treatment technology, perspective materials, coatings etc. The event was informationally supported by the Ministry for Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency.
The opening speech for attendees was presented by the Head of Science and Research center of state pressure measurement standards D. I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology Roman Teteruk, the Deputy head of department for specific work coordination of the Mendeleev Institute for Metrology Dmitry Peredriy, the Head of metrology, state supervision and technical regulation department of the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency Zakhar Osoka, the Deputy Director of the “NPO “GKMP” LLC Dmitry Alfimov, the President of the Scientific and Research institute for vacuum equipment named after S. Vekshinsky Sergey Nesterov, the Head of the scientific laboratory of state standards and research for measurement if the low absolute pressure (vacuum) of the Mendeleev Institute for Metrology Alexander Tschernyshenko; the General Director of the “Vacuumash” Evgeniy Kapustin.
The conference “Vacuum facilities and technologies” has its own history and traditions. Sergey Nesterov noticed that for the las five years the conference transformed in a large-scale event that unites a great deal of vacuum experts engaged in numerous industries. The extended scale of the event put it at the international level enabling to invite colleagues from Belarus, Moldova, China and other states.
A special emphasis was given both to the application of vacuum technologies and to scientific research, in particular in nuclear and aerospace, metallurgy and extractive industries. The discussion was mainly focused on issues of education, advanced training and in-service education of the highest qualification.
Today it appears extremely relevant to address issues related to the current legislation and regulatory basis of the vacuum industry. In order to meet this need, the conference agenda covered cooperation within the framework of the federal purpose-oriented programs and general development strategy for vacuum facilities ang technologies as a self-sufficient high-tech industry in Russia.
Is shall be noted that the attendees of the conference “Vacuum facilities and technologies 2023” are proven partners and contractors.
This year event was sponsored by the “NPO “GKMP” LLC.
On the first day of the conference “Vacuum facilities and technologies 2023” several honored masters were awarded for their great contribution to development of vacuum industry. The awards were given by the Deputy General director of the “NPO “GKMP” LLC Dmitry Alfimov and the Head of Science and Research center of state pressure measurement standards D. I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology Roman Teteruk.
Agenda: vacuum physics. Creation of vacuum. Measurement of the general and partial pressure. Design of vacuum system parts. Technological vacuum facilities.
Agenda: Leakage of vacuum systems. Leak detection. Detection and localization of design defects. Gas flow measurement and qualitative leakage assessment.
Agenda: surface treatment. Perspective materials and coatings (2D-materials, nanomaterials, films, hetero structures etc.). Vacuum technologies in industries and scientific research.
Agenda: Metrology for low absolute pressure measurement. Measurement devices for absolute pressure measurements.
Agenda: test facilities for space industry. Vacuum equipment for nuclear and space industries.
These sections and panel discussions are core of the conference and encourage the exchange of experience and join efforts to promote vacuum technologies in general. Friendly and efficient conversations turned this venue in a fruitful discussion platform. As specialist and experts of scientific research institutes claim, participation in this event sets high standards of thesis and scientific debates. The event was followed up by dedicated collected papers issued thereafter with a significant RSCI index.
The attendees are looking forward to cooperate further. Certain sections and panel discussions resulted in regular purpose-oriented events.
Moreover, the results of the conference will act as a basis to assign a work group with an objective to interact with federal authorities in terms of cooperation and elaboration of a single strategy to develop vacuum technologies as a stand-alone high-tech industry in Russia.
The conference was attended by the top managers of the most prominent Russian companies considered experts in special-purpose vacuum and cryogenic equipment. The event was supported by the “NPO “GKMP” LLC (the general sponsor of the conference), D. I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, The Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", “Ferry Watt” LLC, NPO “Izmeritel”, “Cryosystems” LLC.
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About this article:
Author: Alina Sluzhayeva, head of the marketing department of the NPO GKMP LLC.
Headline: 30th scientific and technical All-Russian “Vacuum facilities and technologies expo 2023” took place in Saint-Petersburg
Summary: Saint-Petersburg conference “Vacuum facilities and technologies expo 2023”
Conference photo “Vacuum facilities and technologies 2023”