Representatives of two Bryansk companies completed a training course “Technological process factory” in Bryansk

Representatives of two Bryansk companies completed a training course “Technological process factory” in Bryansk: among attendees was the “NPO “GKMP” LLC and the “Russian Armor” trade house. Both companies adopt lean production techniques within the framework of the national project “Work performance”.

The “Technological process factory” is a training venue where employees of companies participating in the national project may take advantage of mastering new elements of lean production both theoretically and practically. The “Technological process factory” engages itself in training of resource-saving experts for companies that take part in the national project “Work performance”. Training process includes practice and lectures.

The attendees will be trained using the monitoring panel of the gas pressure regulator assembly unit. The “Factory” is efficient not only thanks to the knowledge but also to the practical skills related to lean instruments but also involves employees in promotion of constant improvement.

One day covers 3 shifts with objective to manufacture a given number of nodes of the gas pressure regulator and reach the best operational and financial performances. The team showed well-aligned work and succeeded in reaching the best result. Within 3 shifts they managed to manufacture 9 fine pieces and optimize production costs of a single piece by more than three times.

Thanks to this “Technological process factory” the employees will efficiently implement resource-saving policy in the company.

The national project “Work performance” was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in May 2018 in order to ensure conditions for yearly growth of the work performance by 5% by 2024. Any company that intends to join the said national project “Work performance” can apply at the official site of the Federal Center of Competences.
