Panel discussion “Workforce in road building industry. Improving training efficiency in field-specific educational institutions. Opinions and solutions proposed by employers”
On January 26, 2023 the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University” (MADI) headed by associate professor of the chair “Road construction and exploitation” Sergey Dmitriev hosted a panel discussion named “Workforce in road building industry. Improving training efficiency in field-specific educational institutions. Opinions and solutions proposed by employers”.
The agenda covered such issues like: cooperation system between the MADI and employers engaged in the road construction industry, challenges faced while training young specialists on the basic programs of the educational institutions and possible solutions, human resources management in road facilities for industry of transport etc.
The special focus was made on presentation of the lead expert for road building machinery of the “NPO “GKMP” LLC Alexander Veretennikov who mentioned certain relevant aspects of professional competences to be formed, as well as the multi-stage nature of training for different industry sectors.
The main objective of such events is to initiate discussion of issues related to the training of specialists performed by field-specific high educational institutions, competences, post-graduate employment and labor market requirements. In course of the said panel discussion colleagues exchanged information, some useful aspect regarding training of potential employees for certain industry sectors of the Russian Federation and role played by educational institutions in creation of a healthy cooperation system with employers.
Presentations of executive authorities, managers and specialists of leading organizations and companies, deans of chairs show positive results in training of human resources and the industry in general. It is to be noted that the format of this event considered an open discussion that resulted in a road map to enhance efficiency of training and post-graduate training of specialists engaged in road-building industry.
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