Conference “Road building in Russia”, January 24, 2024

The conference “Road building machinery in Russia” presented an upgraded model of the Russian tracked road paver.

“Road building machinery and hardware: import replacement, prospective development” presented an upgraded model of the Russian tracked road paver “Desna 2100” designed by the “NPO “GKMP” LLC.

This specimen is an upgraded option of the pioneer Russian tracked paver “Desna 2100” designed to pave any asphalt and bitumen mixtures from 2.5 to 14 m wide and from 30 to 300 mm thick. Since 2022 this model was subject to qualification test at the premises of “Rosavtodor” in order to qualify the entire range of technological operations aimed at managing asphalt and bitumen coatings.

For example, the aforementioned specimen was subject to qualification test while construction and repair of such highways like M-5 Ural, M-7 Volga, A-289 Krasnodar – Slavyansk-na-Kubani – Temruk – highway A-290 Novorossiysk – Kerch.

The upgraded model of the tracked paver “Desna 2100”is equipped with the general-purpose hydraulic platform with gas or electric heating of the screed plate that ensures the high quality of asphalt and bitumen mixture used for continuous operation. As the Deputy Director of the “NPO “GKMP” LLC Dmitry Alfimov stated, the upgraded specimen has better width and capacity, adopts high reliability high pressure technology and has enhanced efficiency. These features enable to use it to construct automobile highways of federal, regional and local networks.

Such upgraded features enable to collect a vast massive of data, involve a deal of experts from contractor organizations that use such equipment; therefore,all these factors considerably contributed to the paver’s ergonomics. In particular, the control and maintenance have been simplified, as transportation optimized due to new design elements.

“I am convinced that this model will replenish the stock of road building machines of contractors and will be welcomed on road. The road paver “Desna 2100” is already an object of interest expressed by contractor organizations”–noted the Deputy Head of the Federal Highway agency Oleg Stupnikov. The open-air expo presented different models of domestic special purpose machinesincluding road levelers, frontal mini-loader, road patching machines, highways monitoring facilities.

The development of the Russian road building machinery is crucial to ensure technological sovereignty of our country.
