In Zvenigorod (Moscow region) from March 20 to 24, 2023 was held one of the greatest science fora – the International conference on plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion. The State Corporation “Rosatom” and the Russian Academy of Science hosted the event. Over 600 top level scientists from Russia and CIS took part in this event, having presented more than 300 theses.
The director of the State corporation “Rosatom” Andrey Likhachev greeted the attendees and emphasized the importance of thermal nuclear research for technological development of Russia: “Today it appears crucial to ensure sustainable research of thermal nuclear fusion in order to reach the final goal – the creation of thermal nuclear reactor embedded in existing energy system. The cornerstone of the technological development and scientific research of atomic energy in the Russian Federation is to put the thermonuclear and plasma technologies in use. This renders thermonuclear research one of the growth points to ensure technologically advanced industry. The scale and labor-intensity of projects boosts closer cooperation both at international and at national levels. In our country the key poles of attractions for few upcoming years will be tokamak T-15 MD currently in commission at the Kurchatov research institute and tokamak with reactor technologies in the SSC "Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research" (TRINITY) that is under construction”.
In his welcoming speech the president of the Kurchatov research institute, the associate member of the Russian Academy of Science Mikhail Kovalchuk specifically mentioned: “In few weeks we expect the launch of the first Russian thermonuclear facility built in 30 years – Tokamak-15MD. This facility will soon become a flagship of the Russian thermonuclear program and a large step towards future breakthrough in this area. Thermonuclear research is one of the most crucial challenges for the country and for the rest of the world; at the same time, it presents a very complex task, the success of which requires a consolidated effort of the entire scientific community”.
Victor Ilgynsonis, the Director in charge of scientific and technical research and developments of the State corporation “Rosatom” and associated member of the Russian Academy of Science states that the conference held in Zvenigorod is one of the key venues to share experience and discuss recent discoveries in thermonuclear and plasma technologies that enables to adjust the future course. He mentioned two crucial scopes of work of the thermonuclear fusion for coming years: the participation of Russia and successful implementation of the national program for thermonuclear fusion and plasma technologies aimed at development of atomic science, techniques and technologies.
Within the framework of six topical sections nuclear physicist discussed current development stages in terms of thermonuclear energy including the project of the international thermonuclear reactor ITER currently under construction in France; the results obtained within the framework of the comprehensive program the status of works held at the Kurchatov research institute with respect to tokamak T-15MD, the development of the tokamak with reactor technologies, current issues of the controlled thermonuclear fusion. The attendees presented their theses on magnetic maintenance of high temperature plasma, inertial thermonuclear fusion, physical processes of low temperature plasma and basic physics of plasma and beam technologies.
media links:
"Атомная энергия 2.0“, 24.03.23
Одинцовский городской округ Московской области, 20.03.23