On April 4-8, 2023 in Sochi another expo forum “From military-industrial complex to municipal infrastructure” will take place. The agenda covers a range of targeted aspects to meet the needs of civil business of companies engaged in military-industrial sector.
25.000 Russian municipal districts represent the only segment consuming industrial products completely structured by the government. Thus, you can establish not a public-advertising but a rather targeted communication via participation in respective events hosted by the center for business development regulated by the military-industrial sector.
The most of forum attendees are the heads of municipal districts. The head of municipal education is in charge of purchasing goods and services for municipal administration such as cleaning, lighting, water and energy supply, greening, road utilities, culture; apart from that he takes decisions on investment activity and technological policy of the municipal district.
The forum is a unique dialogue venue for manufacturers and consumers of domestic products.
We invite you to meet the representative of the company “NPO “GKMP” LLC. Here you can ask the questions regarding the products you interested in, discover the trends and news of domestic road building machinery etc. The most important is the opportunity to become our partner or customer.
You can appoint the meeting via telephone:
+7 4832 58 19 66